Category New Results

ETER indicators integrated with EUROSTUDENT data

Guest author: Hendrik Schirmer, DZHW The EUROSTUDENT project has been collecting information on students’ socio-economic and study-related backgrounds, their study conditions and experiences, including international mobility, and their living conditions for more than two decades, aiming at inspiring policy debates…

Policy Brief: The European University Initiative from the perspective of data and indicators

The European Tertiary Education Register (ETER) has established itself as the reference point for any analysis of higher education based on microdata, that is, on data related to individual institutions. ETER covers both university (PhD granting) and non-university institutions (e.g. Fachochschule)…

New ETER Country Reports available

ETER Country Reports describe the structure of the respective national higher education system, focusing on the institutional types as defined by national categories. They build on the Eurydice report on the national higher education system but complements it with quantitative…

ETER country reports available

ETER country reports describe the structure of the respective national higher education system, focusing on the institutional types as defined by national categories. They build on the Eurydice report on the national higher education system but complements it with quantitative…